Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

How is it possible that the first team (F!G NEwey) has obteined:

Verstapen --- 80 points
Hulkenberg --- 20 points
Mercedes engine --- 60 points

I hope someone else has noticed this mistake and it has not happened in previous grand prix.

Please check the scores...., they are not correct.


Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

At least the first 100 positions of the Canadian Grand Prix are wrong...

I've only looked that far...

Big mistake..

This grand prix needs a big overhaul.


Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

 What is happening, at least for me, is that race points are somehow doubled. On top of that, I see so many teams scoring different points with the same component in their teams... weird weekend, let's see how this is faced by the dev team.

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

 Hi everyone,

Thanks for reporting that. The issue was also detected by our monitoring system and we are working to resolve it.

Will write back once we are ready.

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

The points are recalculated now, but we are still re-validating all the stats.

If you have any feedback please share.

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP


Starting to look way better, anyway, I still find some discrepancies. VCARB is giving me less points than to other teams and I have seen this same problem with Ricciardo in other people. 

Thanks for the hard work!

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

 Points are still off between teams, I'm now showing 35 points for Verstappen when the statistics page shows 50, other teams with Verstappen show 65 in error. By my calculations everyone with Verstappen should be at 40 though as the 1 place improvement in the race should be 5 points but we got 15 points for that... Thanks for looking into this!! We all want fair placement with each other.

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

 Ha, I miscalculated myself, we got 15 points for the win with Verstappen but did we get the +1 position points?

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

Thanks to all of you for the provided feedback.

Another version of the stats was just released and now seems all issues are removed.

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

 Thank you for your time and effort to correct this!

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

Thank you very much for all. well done.

Re. Error in evaluation of the first positions of Canadian GP

 All the checks has passed successfully this morning so we are good to go.
Thanks very much for helping to resolve. this.bow.gif